set workspace=1; W:free(s0,s1,s2,s3); W.relations:s0^2,s1^2,s2^2,s3^2,(s0*s2)^2,(s0*s3)^2,(s1*s3)^2, (s0*s1)^3,(s1*s2)^4,(s2*s3)^3; print 'Calculated Group - now starting on nonsparse elements'; H0:=; H3:=; KK:=H0*H3; K:=KK; for each g in W do K:=K join (KK^g); end; save 'w343'; print 'Calculated nonsparse elements - now starting on subgroups'; S:=subgroups(W); I:=; save 'w343'; print 'Calculated subgroups - now checking for sparseness'; A:=empty; for j = 1 to length(S) do if (( meet K) eq I) then A:=append(A,S[j]); end; end; save 'w343'; print ' '; print 'List of subgroups which would produce quotient polytopes'; print 'Also some additional information'; print 'There are',length(A),'subgroups listed.'; for j = 1 to length(A) do print ' '; print ' '; print 'A[',j,']',A[j]; if invariant(W,A[j]) then print 'A is Normal in W, hence M/A is strongly regular'; end; print 'Normaliser: (Aut(M/A) is isomorphic to N/A)'; print normaliser(W,A[j]); print 'Core: (Gamma(M/A) is isomorphic to W/C)'; print core(W,A[j]); end; quit;